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Health and Welfare – subject guide



Using the Library's searching resources

The University Library offers many resources for searching information. Here to the right you will find a link to the library’s database list and on the left you can select the type of resource you require from the tabbed menu.


How do I search?

You may wish to use subject specific concepts consisting of two or more words. You do this by typing them in quotation marks for example "quality of life". This way you instruct the search engine to find and match exactly these words in the given order they stand.

If you want to search for a word and also get its inflectional forms and compositions you do this by typing an asterisk at the end of the “stem” of the word, for example child*. This will then include forms like child, children, children’s, childhood and more in your search result list.

Sometimes you may need to use several related words or concepts to find relevant material. You do this by combining the words/concepts with OR, for example palliative OR terminal OR "end of life". In this way one or more of these words/concepts will be included in the material you find.

You will at some stage have to focus your search in the direction of a certain topic. To do this you combine the essential search words by putting the search operator AND between them. Many search engines have an “Advanced search” interface which is designed to assist you with this kind of word combining.

Image showing example of word combination in the Advanced search mode.


You can before you launch your search select a number of different limitations that will direct the search. Here are some examples:

  • Material type (eg articles, books, book chapters, web pages)
  • When the material is published
  • •If there has been a scientific review (peer review or referral review)

You can also add search limits afterwards and thus refine the search further.


In many databases you can combine entire previous searches:

Image showing combinations of previous searches.

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