How to use other people’s images and figures
Assume that you must have permission to reproduce an image or figure
In general you must have permission from the author to reproduce an image or a figure in your own text. This requires that you allow for time to apply for permission so that this is completed before you publish your essay in DiVA.
All images have automatic copyright protection
If you consider that you need to reproduce an image or a figure, you need first, as mentioned previously, to obtain permission from the author. The author has full copyright right up to 70 years after the death of the author (known as the protection period).
Free images
Only when the protection period for an image or figure previously protected by copyright rules has expired is it free to be reproduced without permission. There are also images that have purposely been made accessible for completely free reproduction. That is to say that the author voluntarily refrains from copyright protection. Such images can be found on e.g. the internet but in that case it is always recommended that you check what rules apply for reproduction. It may be that the image is free to be reproduced without permission but that the author wishes the source to be stated, but it can be just as well that this request is not made. One way for authors to state right from the start how their material may be used is through the licence system Creative Commons.