The Library search service Primo is a good place to start when doing a search, as the service covers most of the Library's various databases. Here you will find books and e-books but also articles and journals.
Database content: Mälardalen University Library's catalogue. Search service for books and scholarly articles. Covers most of the of the university library’s collections. Multidisciplinary.
Finding books in other Swedish libraries
If the book you are looking for is not in our library, you as a student can apply for book loans from Sweden’s other university libraries. It is free of charge and all Swedish university libraries' books can be found in LIBRIS.
Database content: LIBRIS is a national search service providing information about published literature held at Swedish university and research libraries. (For English headings Click IN ENGLISH.). Multidisciplinary.
A comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world in the areas of Business, Health & Medicine, History, Literature & Language, Science & Technology, Social Sciences and the Arts.
Academic publications from Swedish universities. Scholarly articles, conference papers, dissertations etc. (For English headings click IN ENGLISH.). Multidisciplinary.