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Reference management software

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a free program you can use to keep your references organized, organize, read and annotate pdf files, create citations and bibliographies. Because Zotero is not tied to a university license, you can continue to use the program even after your studies, or if you change universities.

Zotero works with Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari browsers. With an add-in in Word, LibreOffice or Google Docs, you can insert citations and bibliographies into your document. You can sync your Zotero library online for access from different computers.

Install Zotero

Make sure to close all MS Office applications before starting the installation.

Go to Zotero download page:

1. Install Zotero
2. Download the Zotero Connector (available for Chrome and Firefox, but not yet for Safari)


If you have problems with the plugin in your word processor, you can try the following:

Guides for using Zotero

Do you need help?

The library offers guidance on how to use reference management software.

  • Student? Welcome to our drop-in for questions about Zotero.