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Search Guide

Where do I search?

It can be a good idea to think about what sort of literature or sources you are looking for and where you are to look for it in that case. When you are writing an essay it will be scholarly articles and theses you are looking for in the first instance.


What type of material am I searching for?

Scholarly articles

Scholarly articles are published in academic journals, and these articles can be searched for in the library databases to which students and staff at Mälardalen University have access. From home you log in with your user name and password.

Search widely

If you want to search widely then use the (link opening new tab:) Primo search service. There you search at the same time for books, e-books and articles in most of the Library’s databases.

Specific subject

There are also databases containing academic journals within a specific subject area. You will find these in the list of (link opening new tab:) subject guides.

Swedish research

If you wish to find what Swedish researchers have published then you search in (link opening new tab:) SwePub. There you can find scholarly publications at Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs), articles, conference papers and theses. You will find publications in both Swedish and English.

Non-scholarly material

You may also need literature for your essay that is not scholarly, for example as background information. Such non-scholarly material could be statistics or laws or books. Books at all Swedish HEI libraries are searchable in (link opening new tab:) LIBRIS and it is (link opening new tab:) possible to order them through ILL, interlibrary loans, if MDU doesn’t have the title.

Degree projects

Degree projects are accessible via (link opening new tab:)


If it’s Swedish statistics you need then you can find these at (link opening new tab:) Statistiska centralbyrån (Statistics Sweden), or through the websites of the authorities responsible for the statistics.

Laws, ordinances and government inquiries

Laws, ordinances, government inquiries and preparatory work for laws, that is to say bills and other public material are searchable on the Government website riksdagens webbplats . The Swedish Code of Statutes and case law are to be found in the database Infotorg Juridik (Rättsbanken tab).

To order an Interlibrary Loan (ILL)