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Structured information searching

Structured information searching


Searching in a structured way means that your search is:

  • thorough
  • transparent
  • reproducible


A structured search is a search that is done for a research assignment, article, etc. In a structured search, you borrow search methodology from the systematic review but adapt it to your project.

The structured search is more limited than a systematic review, the latter aims to capture all relevant literature within a defined area. Other significant differences are that a systematic review is contucted according to a protocol and requires that at least two persons, independently of each other, review the search results.

A film from Southern Cross University Library where they briefly describe the six steps of a systematic research review.


Part 1 Provide hints and strategies for undertaking your literature searching in a structured and systematic way.

Part 2 About search techniques

Part 3 Recording a search strategy

Part 4 How to use your search techniques when you search in databases.

Part 5 About tools and resources that may help as you undertake structured or systematic literature searching.