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E-books at MDU - a guide

How to find the library's e-books, which programs you need to read them and more.

EBSCO eBook Collection

Content: Single titles within all subject areas.

Access the e-books from EBSCO eBook Collection

Reading and downloading

  • It you want to download an e-book to your computer you need to download Adobe Digital Editions (not the same thing as Adobe Reader).
  • If you want to read the book at your iPad, iPhone or Android you must download Bluefire reader.
  • You will also need an Adobe ID.
  • You also have to get a EBSCO account.
  • You can choose to read a book online, in that case you do not have to create an Adobe ID or Dawsonera account.


Varies from book to book. Click at the title of the book and read under Publisher permissions.

Loan period

Up to 365 days. When you have clicked at Download you can read under ”Checkout period in days" which loan period that applies to that specific book.


Most of the books have multiuser access. Click at the title of the book and read under Concurrent User Level.