Proquest One Business
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Proquest One Business
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Description / Beskrivning

Subject: Business Administration; Ämne: Företagsekonomi
Type: Scholarly literature; Typ: Vetenskaplig litteratur
Content: Articles, books, reports, and more; Innehåll: Artiklar, böcker, rapporter, med mera.

Scholarly articles, books, and more.
Link opening new window. Tutorial video: ProQuest BASIC SEARCH (2:40 min.)
Link opening new window.Tutorial video: ProQuest Advanced search (2:13 min.)
Länk som öppnar nytt fönster.Tutorial video: ProQuest Thesaurus (2:51 min.)

Vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker, med mera.

Link opening new window.Direct link to Proquest One Business

Mer information

Including these databases:
ABI/INFORM Collection (the entire ABI/INFORM)
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection
Asian & European Business Collection
Business Ebook Subscription from Ebook Central
Business Market Research Collection
Business Video Database
Entrepreneurship Database
J.P. Morgan Research

More than 2400 journals and magazines
Several hundred news sources
Thousands of e-books
Thousands of videos
Hundreds of thousands of reports from J.P. Morgan, Hoovers, BMI Research, EIU, Plunkett Research and others.