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Arbete och Hälsa
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Arbete och Hälsa
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Description / Beskrivning

Subject: Working Life, Public Health; Ämne: Arbetsliv, Folkhälsa
Type: Scholarly literature; Typ: Vetenskaplig litteratur.
Content: Articles, conference proceedings, and more; Innehåll: Artiklar, böcker, med mera.

A scholarly publication series (ISSN 0346-7821), Göteborg University, with scholarly articles, doctoral dissertations, criteria documents and literature reviews. For English click upper right hand side link.

Vetenskaplig skriftserie (ISSN 0346-7821), Göteborgs universitet, med vetenskapliga originalarbeten, doktorsavhandlingar, kriteriedokument och litteraturöversikter.

Link opening new window.Direct link to Arbete och Hälsa:

More information / Mer information

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Link opening new window.Search Google Scholar for the fulltext
If that doesn’t work you can make an interlibrary order for a paper copy here:
Link opening new window.Order the fulltext article here:

Prova att hitta fulltexten I Google Scholar med hjälp av kopiera-klistra in artikeltiteln
Link opening new window.Hitta fulltexten I Google Scholar
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